Thursday, June 23, 2011

And then it got BAD

That's right, hail. All the way home on the Bow Valley Parkway i could see black cloud behind us. 5 miles from home the wind picked up and then the hail started. We made it home and got inside to warm up just as the power went out. That was 4 30 and it has just come back on at nine. Can you imagine a tourist town like banff with no restaurants open! Caroline and i went to the grocery store which was a zoo and picked up some munchies and made the best of it! The adventure just gets better every day.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG! WTF! Now the weather is really starting to look like my kind of camping vacation....wet, cold then more wet and cold! Make the best of it guys! Can you say cocktails! LOL